About Us


The Macau Culinary Association is a non-profit professional association which provides continuing education and development for its members who are engaged in the areas of culinary education, or in the preparation of food and drink in Macau.

The Macau Culinary Association was jointly founded by Raimund Pichlmaier and David Wong in 2007, to further develop the culinary standards within Macau, to give its members a sense of community, further enhance the exchange of ideas and experiences between like-minded culinary professionals in Macau and promote Macau as a gastronomy destination.

Our aim is to promote cooking, recipes, high quality products and technical knowledge. To develop a local Chef Association which will gain respect and be supported both locally and internationally. To be a major influence in the training and recruiting of young personnel to increase professional standards within the industry in Macau.

澳門廚師協會 是一個非牟利的專業團體,致力為澳門從事烹飪教育或飲食業的會員 提供延續教育和發展。澳門廚師協會的組成是為了更大程度地發展本澳的烹飪標準,培養其會員的團體意識,並更進一步的增加志同道合的烹飪專家相互交流意見和經驗的機會。推廣廚藝,烹飪法,高質素食品及技術知識。發展一個獲得本地及國際重視和支持的本地廚師協會。對本澳培訓及僱用年輕人員起主要影響作用,提昇行內專業素質與各個相關的專業機構及教育組織共同籌劃培訓班、學徒計劃及相關職業聯繫。